By Cole Short, Hillsboro Banner
All those fish fries, burger baskets and corn feeds paid off for the Hillsboro Vets Club.
Vets Club President Drew Nathan announced Tuesday that the organization returned nearly $20,000 in donations to the community since October 2018 thanks to the club’s various fundraisers.
“We have a real appreciation for how much the community comes to the special events we have,” said Nathan, who’s been on the club’s board of directors for a decade.
“Our main mission is to have a place for veterans where they can socialize … but this is a community spot that’s open to everyone. We want to give as much as we can back to the community.”
The Vets Club has been a staple in downtown Hillsboro for close to five decades.
The club’s roots date back to Jan. 12, 1971 when members of Lynn Spiering American Legion Post 4 voted 29-0 to join forces with VFW Post 4172.
The groups’ boards of directors routinely approve donations to benefit Hillsboro and its youth, forking over money for high school scholarships, the local food pantry and issues that affect local veterans.
Nathan took five minutes Tuesday night to give Banner readers a glimpse into how Vets Club members are continuing to look after their country and community after wrapping up their service in the military.
For more, see the Banner's online or print edition.