Turkey giveaway kicks off 55th year

Nov 7, 2018 -- Posted by : compass1

Hillsboro Banner staff reports

For more than five decades, Hillsboro merchants have helped families celebrate Thanksgiving.

Their generosity will be apparent on Thanksgiving tables  again this year.

In celebration of Thanksgiving 2018, the Hillsboro business community this year is giving away 39 turkeys.

At least three dozen families have received free turkeys every Thanksgiving since the campaign started in the 1960s.

The Hillsboro Banner has coordinated the turkey giveaway every year. This is the 55th year of the promotion.

Banner readers simply have to clip the coupons found in the newspaper this week and deposit them at the participating businesses in Hillsboro.

The turkey coupons are included in a two-page spread on pages 8-9 of the Banner.

Readers have until noon Nov. 14 to deliver their coupons.

The winners, who will be listed in the Banner that week, can pick up their frozen turkeys at Miller’s Fresh Foods starting Friday, Nov. 16.

The Banner incorporated an added incentive to the annual Thanksgiving turkey giveaway eight years ago.

Coupon carriers are urged to keep an eye out for Tom Turkey, a cutout worth $25 that has been strategically placed somewhere in Hillsboro’s business district.

It’s the same turkey highlighting the turkey giveaway on the coupon pages published this week in the Banner.

Tom Turkey was found last year by Dawn Kaldor. Ol’ Tom was found hiding in the Hillsboro Cafe.

The lucky person uncovering Tom Turkey must contact the Banner to collect $25 in Hillsboro Bucks.

Searchers will know they’ve found Tom Turkey by turning ol’ Tom over; on his back side, it says, “Congratulations! You found me. I’m Tom Turkey.”

