Hillsboro Rec District studies golf, pickleball

Sep 19, 2018 -- Posted by : compass1

By Cole Short, Hillsboro Banner

Members of the Hillsboro Rec District board on Wednesday expressed interest in reviving the city’s summer youth golf program in 2019 after a one-year hiatus.

In addition, the board floated the idea of creating a trapshooting program for kids as well as building a pickleball court on city-owned park land in the Riverbend Addition.

Goose River Golf Club President Ryan Opdahl told the board that the club would be willing to partner with the rec district to get youth golf up and running in Hillsboro.

“We are 100 percent on board with our facility being used,” he said. “Whatever we can do to help facilitate a summer golf program of some kind, we’re willing to do.”

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