Hillsboro Banner staff reports
The Hillsboro Community Endowment Fund is currently accepting applications for the 2019 grant cycle.
Funds available this year total $7,575 for qualifying projects that support Hillsboro nonprofits.
Starting this year, only online applications will be accepted and technical assistance will be available for anyone who needs it.
Applicants must be designated by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, or have an official relationship to local government (such as a school, park district, city etc.).
Groups without such designation seeking to apply may enlist a fiscal sponsor.
The deadline for submitting a request is Nov. 1.
For instructions on how to register your organization and apply for a grant, visit www.NDCF.net/hillsboro and click the Apply tab.
If you have questions, call Ang Kritzberger at 701-430-3121 or Amy Stromsodt at the North Dakota Community Foundation at 701-795-1531.
The Hillsboro Community Endowment Fund was established in 2000.