By Cole Short, Hillsboro Banner
Donations from the The Hillsboro Cafe and private individuals have paid off more than $5,100 in overdue school lunch fees for families in the Hillsboro School District.
Superintendent Paula Suda told the Hillsboro School Board that the cupcake-of-the-month program started by cafe owners Derek and Kate Ehnert in 2019 has snowballed.
In addition to the money the district has received from cupcake sales, the school has received thousands more from private donors who piggybacked on the Ehnerts’ efforts.
“It was really nice of them and it’s been a great benefit for families,” Suda said Thursday.
A number of donations were sent anonymously and included payments from people who live outside North Dakota, she said.
For more, see the Banner's online or print edition.
(Photo courtesy of The Hillsboro Cafe)